Phytocoenological survey 2022
Author: Luboš Pechar, Published: Sept. 18, 2022, 3:45 p.m.
Phytocoenological surveys were carried out between 20 and 28 August 2022 to determine the initial status of the higher aquatic plant communities.
At all ponds separate plant communities were assigned coordinates using GPS and within them 3 m squares were randomly delineated. In each square, we made an inventory of all species and determined their cover as expressed by the Braun-Blanquet scale. We complemented these data with an overall inventory of higher plants, for a more complete list of local biodiversity.
We plan to repeat the survey twice next year. The first time in late spring and the second time at the peak of the growing season - again in the second half of August. We will place the results of this and future surveys on individual pond cards.